Dixie – stories, music and gear inspired by the American South

Dixie – stories, music and gear inspired by the American South

On this pages, you'll find everything. Big cars, pretty chicks, awesome guns, loud music and fascinating stories (not only) from American south. And to top it off, we've got some pretty cool gear, too!


Hey y'all!

Wellcome to Dixie, welcome to America! To America that's still the way we (and hopefully you as well) want it to be. To America that still hasn't forgot what's really important in life. To America that still believes that a man should také care of himself, his family, of his surroundings. That a man should live free with sense of responsibility for his own destiny, work as hard as he can and be prepared to protect his way of life, even with a gun in his hand. To a country that will give you a chance to fulfill your dream, whatever that may be.

Here in the South, we often don't even call cops.

You say that today's US of A is not like that anymore? Oh yes, they are. It's just that you don't hear so much about this “different” America. That was probably the main reason why three years ago, a band of crazy guys, somewhere in the middle of Europe, started a project of online radio and magazine, called RadioDixie.cz. And behold, our vision of rural, conservative, “redneck” and traditionalist America managed, even in small Czech Republic (with just 10 million citizens), to gain the interest of tens of thousands of people.

We only have a few T-shirts left with the most famous C.S.A. general Robert E. Lee. If there's interest, we can do the reissue for the European market before Christmas. (R. E. Lee)

We’re having lots of fun down South, for example with fast cars. And especially if they have the right flag on the roof.

These people listen to our online radio with selection of the best, honest American music. They read our stories about American history, cars, motorcycles, famous heroes, nature, military technology or the way to prepare the best, juiciest steaks (in those three years, we've published more than thousand of them). And they buy T-shirts that we design and print ourselves, and sell them in our eshop under the DixieGear label.

Tell us – wouldn't you want to go back in time to 1966, drop by at Hertz in L.A., spend a few bucks on borrowing a Mustang for a weekend and run in up the Mullholand Drive?

It may be because us Czechs have a special relationship with America. We've never forgotten Patton's tanks that helped liberate us in 1945. Film heroes like Gary Cooper or Steve McQueen helped us survive through the long forty years under the communist rule, which was, in the end, toppled with a huge help of Ronald Reagan, blue jeans and rock 'n' roll. Our cousins in Poland may see it similarly. We just like America and that's why this web came to be and why it thrives on.

We're particularly fond of pin-up girls in American uniforms from WWII. Hellfire Holly from 1st came out especially good. And we have many more ready...

And if it works at home, it should also work a few miles to the west, north or south. Unfortunately, we can't translate the whole RadioDixie.cz into English or German, but we can certainly do at least a story per week. We'll see what kind of success will greet our original DixieGear T-shirts (and later also more clothing), and depending on that, we will continue to widen the scope of our magazine. Of course, we will be grateful for your feedback or tips on topics you would like to read about, or on themes you'd like to see on our shirts.

1st Cavalry Division – famous US Army unit in the hell of Vietnam war and its Hueys in action. 

And what does the Rebel Flag have to do with all of this? Everything. For us, it is a symbol of “our” America. America where things are still right. A symbol of the music that came from down south and today, we call it country or rock 'n' roll. It is a symbol of pride in your country, its traditions and history, and, at the same time, a symbol of rebellion, a lust for freedom and for a right to make your life how I want, how my family wants it, how my community and my country wants it, not how some anonymous bureaucrat in Bruxelles or Washington tells us.

We're not taking this flag down, even if all lefties in the world shall go crazy. 

And about that “racism” thing, I'm sure we can agree that a good person is a good person, while a scum will always be the scum, no matter if he's black, white, green or violet.

So, folks, welcome to our south, and enjoy it. Enjoy the Dixie!
God Bless You.

Martin „Marty“ Pešek
Owner and Editor-In-Chief of RadioDixie.cz and Dixie-Gear.com

Beware! – REDNECK ZONE – Enter at your own risk.

Martin Pešek

Martin Pešek

Konzervativní Kozoroh na trnité cestě ke splnění svého amerického snu. Tenhle svět potřebuje opravdu trochu víc buranů.

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